The Sucker Punch
The Sucker Punch!!
Ever seen a person get sucker punched? Have you ever been sucker punched?
A sucker punch is one of the easiest things to avoid if you know what you’re looking at. A sucker punch will come out of the blue in an instant. Always expect the unexpected.
99.9 % of the time a sucker punch will come at you just when you think the confrontation is at its end. That is why it is called a sucker punch. When the aggressor starts to turn away and you just stand there, that is the moment they turn quickly and hammer you on the head and ring your bell. You then are the sucker!
Self-defense is all about timing, distance and speed. Those three things are a lethal combination when backed by the ability to think under stress.
So just for this example we’ll talk about distance. When you have talked your way out of a situation and the aggressor starts to turn and you hope walk away, you should start to walk back a few steps and fortify yourself just in case they go for the sucker punch.
In their mind they have already measured you up and know the distance to make that sucker punch work. But, as you walk back a few steps while keeping your eyes focused on them, they will get a surprise as they turn and see that their mind has mislead them with the distance they thought they had.
Now…you have one more chance to talk this person into leaving you alone or it may be the time to engage.
Be ready! Be Safe!
Lynn Lane