Three ways to kill a man

Our lives are full of old antiquated beliefs that are not serving us in our own best interest. We have witnessed this over and over through history.

The world is not flat, the earth does rotate, muscle does not turn to fat and the list goes on and on.

I bring this up because some time ago I was invited to give a lecture to a small group on the subject of women’s self-defense. I jumped at the chance to do so, because self-defense is a subject that I have a great passion about sharing with others.

The lecture/workshop went very well and I got some very positive feedback from all the people there.

When I do these lectures/workshops I always have a person ask about or tell me a secret they know about in the martial arts. It never fails…and I always know what they are going to tell me.

This night was no different from the rest. A small older lady walked over to me and said, “I know 3 ways to kill a man.” I said, you do? I knew what she had on her mind, but I just had to ask. Tell me….what is one of those ways? She told me that she had went through some training years ago and the number one way to kill a man is by hitting him square in the face and driving the bone of his nose through his brain. She even demonstrated it for me.

I knew it! I knew she was going to say that….it never ever fails!

That is an old Hollywood bit from an old, old movie. It is physically impossible to do that. Your nose has no bone to speak of and think about how far away your brain is from your nose.

Now some dumbass trained her to believe that and probably took her money too. You see it all the time with ads on social media. Like, “Learn Navy Seal Fight Secrets” “Even an 80 year old woman can handle the most seasoned Martial Artist”

Until she spoke to me she was walking around thinking she could kill a man and could use that if she needed to. Now a good shot to the nose is a great shot and may give her time to retreat and remove herself but will not kill a man.

There are no “Navy Seal Secrets” may be some technique or principle the average person has never seen, but it is definitely no secret I promise.

These dudes don’t care about the truth or the well being of people only separating you from your money. Not to say a great teacher, coach or instructor shouldn’t make money for the knowledge they share but, at very least know who you are learning from and get some references and ask questions first.